Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I am endlessly seeking epic.  Every minute,  every second, of every day.  My pores vibrate, my energy buzzes.  I wait for a moment that sends a tingle through my body.  Mentally,  emotionally,  physically....always waiting for the next hazy education filled adrenaline rush.  Nothing holds my attention long.  Not friends, projects, ideas, men.  I'm not ADHD if you were in fact wondering.   I'm just easily bored.  Always have been.

While other women talk about their clothes and the latest fads, while other people chit chat and talk about the weather and the latest episode of their favorite reality show, it's all I can do not to roll my eyes in absolute boredom.  Why is this important?  Why should you care? Well, perhaps you shouldn't.  Perhaps this is nothing more than the mindless ran of a bored and secretly mean and bitter individual.  Maybe it's a social experiment,  or my own personal writing improvement exersize.  It could be that I find the world boring and inane and pointless and just felt the need to let you know.  What is the point? The meaning behind this?  What's the point of doing anything?  Better yet is there a point?  Best question...is it all of the above? After all, if you try to think of anything in existence that has only one single possible use, well, I just bet you won't find one.  So....perhaps it's everything and I just haven't figured it out for myself yet.  I do know one thing for sure though, I'm Endlessly Seeking Epic.


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